One of a kind piece, “Passion” The Spider 2020, sterling silver

One of a kind piece, “Passion” The Spider 2020, sterling silver

“A Dark Tale That Ends Well…”

Black Daisies Jewelry is a small but humble team of talented silversmiths hailing from Montreal, Canada. Consisting of Mimosa the Jewelry Witch and The Spirit Guide, this dynamic duo is known for crafting spellbinding talismans that captivate and inspire. Each exquisite piece created by Black Daisies holds a profound story, infused with raw emotion and cherished memories. Meticulously crafted, these treasures are brought to life through the hands of Mimosa herself, who sculpts them meticulously in wax before utilizing the revered "lost-wax" technique. This ancient method, with roots dating back to classical antiquity, adds an ethereal quality to every piece, making them truly one-of-a-kind. Meant to accompany individuals on their personal journeys, these talismans may also be passed down to weave new tales for future generations to cherish.

Based in Montreal, everything is handmade by yours truly,